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MySQL 10.子查询



​ 子查询是出现在其他语句中的 select 语句,内部嵌套 select 语句的查询,叫做外查询或主查询




where 或 having 中的子查询

-- 查询 classid 与 A 相同, score 比 B 高的所有 student
select classid
from student
where name = 'A';
-- 查询指定 student 的 classid

select score
from student
where name = 'B';
-- 查询指定 student 的 score

select name,score,classid
from student 
where classid = (
    select classid
    from student 
    where name = 'A'
and score > (
    select score
    from student
    where name = 'B'

-- 查询最低 score 大于 class3 的最低 score 的 classid 和其最低 score
select min(score)
from student 
-- 查询 class3 的最低 score

select classid,min(score)
from student
group by classid
having min(score) > (
    select min(score)
    from student

select calssid,avg(score)
from student 
group by classid

(3).查询每个 class 中 score 高于本 avg(score) 的 student
select *
from student s 
where s.score > (
    select avg(score) a
    from student 
    group by classid
    having s.classid = student.classid)
order by classid,score desc;
操作符 含义
in / not in 等于列表中的任意一个
any / some 和子查询返回的某一个值比较
all 和子查询返回的所有值比较
-- 查询 avg(score) 大于 x 的 class 和其中所有 student
select classid
from student 
group by classid
having avg(score) >= 72.5;
-- 查询 avg(score) 大于 72.5 的class

select name,score 
from student
where classid in (
    select classid
    from student
    group by classid
    having avg(score) >= 72.5

(2).any、some / all
-- 查询其他 class 中,比 class2 任意/所有 score 低的 student 和其 score
select distinct score
from student
where classid = 2;
-- 查询 class2 中所有出现过的 score

select name,classid,score
from student
where classid != 2
and score < any(
    select distinct score
    from student
    where classid = 2
select *
from student
where (字段1,字段2) = (
    select min(字段1),max(字段2)
    from student

select 中的子查询

select c.*,(
    select count(*) 
    from student s
    where s.classid = c.id
from class c;

from 中的子查询

select classid,avg(score)
from student 
group by classid;
-- 查询每个 class 的 avg(score)

select * from score_level
-- 查询 score_level 表

select a_s.*,l.name
from (
    select classid,avg(score) a
    from student 
    group by classid) a_s
inner join score_level l
on a_s.a between l.min_score and l.max_score;

exists 中的子查询(相关子查询)

-- 查询参数中是否有值,结果为0或1
(1).使用 exists 实现
select *
from class c
where exists(
    select *
    from student s
    where s.classid = c.id

(2).使用 in 实现 exists 
select *
from class c
where c.id in (
    select s.classid
    from student s

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/HyeJeong/p/15686029.html