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MySQL-5.7-Multi-Range Read Optimization


Reading rows using a range scan on a secondary index can result in many random disk accesses to the base table when the table is large and not stored in the storage engine's cache.


With the Disk-Sweep Multi-Range Read (MRR) optimization, MySQL tries to reduce the number of random disk access for range scans by first scanning the index only and collecting the keys for the relevant rows.

使用disk - sweep Multi-Range Read (MRR)优化,MySQL尝试通过首先只扫描索引并收集相关行的键来减少范围扫描的随机磁盘访问数量。

Then the keys are sorted and finally the rows are retrieved from the base table using the order of the primary key.


The motivation for Disk-sweep MRR is to reduce the number of random disk accesses and instead achieve a more sequential scan of the base table data.

disk -sweep MRR的动机是减少随机磁盘访问的次数,而不是实现对基表数据的更连续的扫描。

The Multi-Range Read optimization provides these benefits:


The MRR optimization is not supported with secondary indexes created on virtual generated columns. InnoDB supports secondary indexes on virtual generated columns.


The following scenarios illustrate when MRR optimization can be advantageous:


Scenario A: MRR can be used for InnoDB and MyISAM tables for index range scans and equi-join operations.

场景A: MRR可以用于InnoDB和MyISAM表的索引范围扫描和等连接操作。

  1. A portion of the index tuples are accumulated in a buffer.索引元组的一部分在缓冲区中积累。

  2. The tuples in the buffer are sorted by their data row ID.缓冲区中的元组按其数据行ID排序。

  3. Data rows are accessed according to the sorted index tuple sequence.数据行是根据排序后的索引元组序列访问的。

Scenario B: MRR can be used for NDB tables for multiple-range index scans or when performing an equi-join by an attribute.

场景B: MRR可以用于NDB表的多范围索引扫描或通过属性执行等价连接。

  1. A portion of ranges, possibly single-key ranges, is accumulated in a buffer on the central node where the query is submitted.部分范围(可能是单键范围)在提交查询的中心节点上的缓冲区中累积。

  2. The ranges are sent to the execution nodes that access data rows.范围被发送到访问数据行的执行节点。

  3. The accessed rows are packed into packages and sent back to the central node.访问的行被打包到包中并发送回中心节点。

  4. The received packages with data rows are placed in a buffer.带有数据行的接收包被放置在缓冲区中。

  5. Data rows are read from the buffer.从缓冲区读取数据行。

When MRR is used, the Extra column in EXPLAIN output shows Using MRR.

当使用MRR时,EXPLAIN输出中的Extra列显示Using MRR。

InnoDB and MyISAM do not use MRR if full table rows need not be accessed to produce the query result. This is the case if results can be produced entirely on the basis on information in the index tuples (through a covering index); MRR provides no benefit.


Two optimizer_switch system variable flags provide an interface to the use of MRR optimization. The mrr flag controls whether MRR is enabled.


If mrr is enabled (on), the mrr_cost_based flag controls whether the optimizer attempts to make a cost-based choice between using and not using MRR (on) or uses MRR whenever possible (off). By default, mrr is on and mrr_cost_based is on.

如果mrr被启用(开启),mrr_cost_based标志将控制优化器是否尝试在使用和不使用mrr(开启)或尽可能使用mrr(关闭)之间做出基于成本的选择。缺省情况下,mrr为on, mrr_cost_based为on。

See Section 8.9.2, “Switchable Optimizations”.

For MRR, a storage engine uses the value of the read_rnd_buffer_size system variable as a guideline for how much memory it can allocate for its buffer.


The engine uses up to read_rnd_buffer_size bytes and determines the number of ranges to process in a single pass.


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/tangwenqiang177/article/details/120788009