CREATE TABLE backupStu AS SELECT name,age FROM students2
INSERT INTO copyTab SELECT name,age FROM students2
select * from students2 where rownum <=5 minus
select * from students2 where rownum <1 --第1页
select * from students2 where rownum <=10 minus
select * from students2 where rownum <6 --第2页
select * from students2 where rownum <=15 minus
select * from students2 where rownum <11 --第3页
select * from students2 where rownum <=20 minus
select * from students2 where rownum <16 --第4页
select * from(
(select rownum rn,s2.* from (select * from salary )s2 where rownum <=5)) s3
where s3.rn >=1; --第1页
select * from(
(select rownum rn,s2.* from (select * from salary )s2 where rownum <=10)) s3
where s3.rn >=6; --第2页
select * from(
(select rownum rn,s2.* from (select * from salary )s2 where rownum <=15)) s3
where s3.rn >=11; --第3页
--子查询 --哪些部门没有员工 select ID 部门id,NAME 部门名称 FROM dep_table where id not in (select dep_id from emp_tab ); --哪些员工发放过工资 select ID,NAME FROM emp_tab WHERE ID IN (select emp_id from salary); --哪些员工未发放过工资 select ID,NAME FROM emp_tab WHERE ID NOT IN (select emp_id from salary); --查询数据填充新建表 SELECT * FROM salary; DROP TABLE backupsalary; CREATE TABLE backupSalary AS SELECT emp_id ID,grantdate 发放年月,should 应发工资 FROM salary s; select 应发工资 from backupSalary; --查询数据填充已存在的表 CREATE TABLE back_sal ( ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, yingfa NUMBER ) INSERT INTO back_sal select ID,salary.should from salary; select * from back_sal; --minus 结合rownum实现分页查询 select * from salary; --第1页 select * from salary where rownum <=5 MINUS SELECT * FROM salary WHERE ROWNUM<1; --第2页 select * from salary where rownum <=10 MINUS SELECT * FROM salary WHERE ROWNUM<6; --第3页 select * from salary where rownum <=15 MINUS SELECT * FROM salary WHERE ROWNUM<11; --子查询结合rownum实现分页查询 select * from( (select rownum rn,s2.* from (select * from salary )s2 where rownum <=5)) s3 where s3.rn >=1; --第1页 select * from( (select rownum rn,s2.* from (select * from salary )s2 where rownum <=10)) s3 where s3.rn >=6; --第2页 select * from( (select rownum rn,s2.* from (select * from salary )s2 where rownum <=15)) s3 where s3.rn >=11; --第3页 --使用子查询结合rowid,rownum not in语句实现分页 select * from salary where rowid not in (select rowid from salary where rownum<1) and rownum <=5; --第一页 select * from salary where rowid not in (select rowid from salary where rownum<6) and rownum <=5; --第二页 select * from salary where rowid not in (select rowid from salary where rownum<11) and rownum <=5; --第三页
标签:salary,分页,--,查询,Oracle,rownum,where,select 来源: