package com.example.wfydemo.controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import java.sql.*; @RestController public class UpdateResultSet { @RequestMapping("/UpdateResultSet") public String UpdateResultSet() { // Create a variable for the connection string. String connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=springbootTestDB;user=sa;password=6617saSA";//sa身份连接 try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);) { // Create and execute an SQL statement, retrieving an updateable result set. String SQL = "SELECT * FROM T_User ;"; ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL); displayRow("原来的内容:", rs); // Insert a row of data. rs.moveToInsertRow(); rs.updateString("name", "user10"); rs.updateString("password", "121212"); rs.insertRow(); // Retrieve the inserted row of data and display it. SQL = "SELECT * from T_User WHERE name = 'user10';"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL); displayRow("ADDED ROW", rs); // Update the row of data. rs.first(); rs.updateString("password", "0123456789"); rs.updateRow(); // Retrieve the updated row of data and display it. rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL); displayRow("UPDATED ROW", rs); // Delete the row of data. rs.first(); rs.deleteRow(); System.out.println("ROW DELETED"); //查询结果为空,插入一条记录 SQL = "SELECT * FROM T_User where 1 = 2;"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL); rs.moveToInsertRow(); rs.updateString("name", "user插入"); rs.updateString("password", "123321"); rs.insertRow(); SQL = "SELECT * from T_User ;"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL); displayRow("insert", rs); } // Handle any errors that may have occurred. catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return "UpdateResultSet"; } private static void displayRow(String title, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { System.out.println(title); while ( { System.out.println(rs.getString("name") + " : " + rs.getString("password")); } } }
标签:JDBC,rs,executeQuery,IDEA,stmt,SERVER,SQL,password,row 来源: