标签:errors log 1Z0 messages 083 written Oracle output RMAN
Which two are true about Recovery Manager (RMAN) diagnostic message output? (Choose two.)
- A. Media Management messages for SBT devices are always written to sbtio.log.
- B. RMAN error stacks should be read from the bottom up as that is the order in which errors are generated.
- C. RMAN error stacks should be read from the top down as that is the order in which errors are generated.
- D. The RMAN LOG command line clause causes output issued during RMAN command compilation to be written to a log file and to standard output.
- E. The RMAN LOG command line clause causes output issued during RMAN command compilation to be written to a log file only.
- F. Media Management messages for SBT devices are written to an Oracle trace file.
Here's the an additional reference
The sbtio.log contains information written by the media management software, not Oracle Database. Thus, you must consult your media vendor documentation to interpret the error codes and messages. If no information is written to the sbtio.log, then contact your media manager support to ask whether they are writing error messages in some other location, or whether there are steps you must take to have the media manager errors appear in sbtio.log.
Read the messages from the bottom up, because this is the order in which RMAN issues the messages. The last one or two errors displayed in the stack are often the most informative.
来源: https://blog.csdn.net/itsaka/article/details/117809411
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