Python 愤怒的小鸟代码实现:物理引擎pymunk使用
- 支持小鸟类型:红色小鸟,蓝色小鸟,黄色小鸟。
- 支持障碍物的类型:玻璃,木头,石头。
- 支持障碍物的形状:各种长度的长方形,正方形和圆形。
- 使用json文件保存关卡信息,设置小猪和障碍物的位置。
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pymunk是一个2D的物理引擎, 它实际是封装了 c语言写的2D物理引擎Chipmunk,可以实现碰撞,旋转等物理运动。
安装pymunk,可以直接使用pip工具,安装最新的pymunk 5.5.0:
1 pip install pymunk
- 刚体 (pymunk.Body):一个刚体具有物体的物理属性(质量、坐标、旋转角度、速度等),它自己是没有形状的。
- 碰撞形状 (pymunk.Circle, pymunk.Segment and pymunk.Poly):通过将形状附加到实体,你可以定义一个实体的形状。你可以将多个形状附加到单个实体上来定义一个复杂的形状,如果不需要形状,则可以不附加任何形状。
- 约束/关节 (pymunk.constraint.PinJoint, pymunk.constraint.SimpleMotor):你可以在两个实体之间附加关节以约束它们的行为。比如在两个实体间保持一个固定的距离。
- 空间 (pymunk.Space): 空间是pymunk中基本的模拟单元。你可以添加实体,形状和关节到空间,然后整体更新空间。pymunk会控制空间中所有的实体,形状和关节如何相互作用。
将物理引擎相关的代码单独放在了一个文件 (source\component\中,减少代码的耦合。
这篇文章只介绍 中pymunk相关的代码。
reset 函数初始化了 空间类(pm.Space), 设置了两个参数
- gravity : 重力
- dt (Time step length) : 表示pymunk中每次更新的时间段值,比如dt值是0.002,表示时间段是0.002秒。
Segment类创建了一条从点a 到 点b的直线。
1 class pymunk.Segment(body, a, b, radius) 2 Bases: pymunk.shapes.Shape 3 A line segment shape between two point. Meant mainly as a static shape.
1 import pymunk as pm 2 3 class Physics(): 4 def __init__(self): 5 self.reset() 6 7 def reset(self, level=None): 8 self.level = level 9 # init space: set gravity and dt 10 = pm.Space() 11 = (0.0, -700.0) 12 self.dt = 0.002 13 self.birds = [] 14 self.pigs = [] 15 self.blocks = [] 16 self.path_timer = 0 17 self.check_collide = False 18 self.setup_lines() 19 self.setup_collision_handler() 20 21 def setup_lines(self): 22 # Static Ground 23 x, y = to_pymunk(c.SCREEN_WIDTH, c.GROUND_HEIGHT) 24 static_body = pm.Body(body_type=pm.Body.STATIC) 25 static_lines = [pm.Segment(static_body, (0.0, y), (x, y), 0.0)] 26 27 for line in static_lines: 28 line.elasticity = 0.95 29 line.friction = 1 30 line.collision_type = COLLISION_LINE 31 32 self.static_lines = static_lines
setup_collision_handler 函数用来设置在两种类型的物体在碰撞发生时,可以由用户使用的回调函数。
add_collision_handler 函数添加两种类型物体a和b碰撞时会调用的handler。比如小猪和小鸟这两种类型物体的注册函数就是:add_collision_handler(COLLISION_PIG, COLLISION_BIRD)
1 add_collision_handler(collision_type_a, collision_type_b) 2 Return the CollisionHandler for collisions between objects of type collision_type_a and collision_type_b.
我们这里只用到了 post_solve 回调函数,在两个物体碰撞结束后,获取碰撞冲击力(collision impulse)。
1 post_solve 2 Two shapes are touching and their collision response has been processed. 3 func(arbiter, space, data) 4 You can retrieve the collision impulse or kinetic energy at this time if you want to use it to calculate sound volumes or damage amounts. See Arbiter for more info.
1 COLLISION_BIRD = 1 2 COLLISION_PIG = 2 3 COLLISION_BLOCK = 3 4 COLLISION_LINE = 4 5 6 def setup_collision_handler(self): 7 def post_solve_bird_line(arbiter, space, data): 8 if self.check_collide: 9 bird_shape = arbiter.shapes[0] 10 my_phy.handle_bird_collide(bird_shape, True) 11 def post_solve_pig_bird(arbiter, space, data): 12 if self.check_collide: 13 pig_shape = arbiter.shapes[0] 14 my_phy.handle_pig_collide(pig_shape, MAX_IMPULSE) 15 def post_solve_pig_line(arbiter, space, data): 16 if self.check_collide: 17 pig_shape = arbiter.shapes[0] 18 my_phy.handle_pig_collide(pig_shape, arbiter.total_impulse.length, True) 19 def post_solve_pig_block(arbiter, space, data): 20 if self.check_collide: 21 if arbiter.total_impulse.length > MIN_DAMAGE_IMPULSE: 22 pig_shape = arbiter.shapes[0] 23 my_phy.handle_pig_collide(pig_shape, arbiter.total_impulse.length) 24 def post_solve_block_bird(arbiter, space, data): 25 if self.check_collide: 26 block_shape, bird_shape = arbiter.shapes 27 my_phy.handle_bird_collide(bird_shape) 28 if arbiter.total_impulse.length > 1100: 29 my_phy.handle_block_collide(block_shape, arbiter.total_impulse.length) 30 31 32 COLLISION_BIRD, COLLISION_LINE).post_solve = post_solve_bird_line 33 34 35 COLLISION_PIG, COLLISION_BIRD).post_solve = post_solve_pig_bird 36 37 38 COLLISION_PIG, COLLISION_LINE).post_solve = post_solve_pig_line 39 40 41 COLLISION_PIG, COLLISION_BLOCK).post_solve = post_solve_pig_block 42 43 44 COLLISION_BLOCK, COLLISION_BIRD).post_solve = post_solve_block_bird 45 46 def handle_pig_collide(self, pig_shape, impulse, is_ground=False): 47 for pig in self.pigs: 48 if pig_shape == pig.phy.shape: 49 if is_ground: 50 pig.phy.body.velocity = pig.phy.body.velocity * 0.8 51 else: 52 damage = impulse // MIN_DAMAGE_IMPULSE 53 pig.set_damage(damage) 54 55 # must init as a global parameter to use in the post_solve handler 56 my_phy = Physics()
1 pymunk.moment_for_circle(mass, inner_radius, outer_radius, offset=(0, 0)) 2 Calculate the moment of inertia for a hollow circle 3 inner_radius and outer_radius are the inner and outer diameters. (A solid circle has an inner diameter of 0)
据质量(mass), 圆的半径 来计算出刚体的转动惯量(Moment Of Inertia),惯量就像刚体的旋转质量。
1 class pymunk.Body(mass=0, moment=0, body_type=<class 'CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC'>)
根据刚体,和形状类型创建一个碰撞形状,比如圆形就是 pymunk.Circle。
1 class pymunk.Circle(body, radius, offset=(0, 0))Bases: pymunk.shapes.ShapeA circle shape defined by a radius
1 Friction coefficient. 2 Pymunk uses the Coulomb friction model, a value of 0.0 is frictionless. 3 A value over 1.0 is perfectly fine.
弹力 (elasticity)
1 Elasticity of the shape. 2 A value of 0.0 gives no bounce, while a value of 1.0 will give a ‘perfect’ bounce.
1 pymunk.Space.add(*objs) 2 Add one or many shapes, bodies or joints to the space
1 class PhyPig(): 2 def __init__(self, x, y, radius, space): 3 mass = 5 4 inertia = pm.moment_for_circle(mass, 0, radius, (0, 0)) 5 body = pm.Body(mass, inertia) 6 body.position = x, y 7 shape = pm.Circle(body, radius, (0, 0)) 8 shape.elasticity = 0.95 9 shape.friction = 1 10 shape.collision_type = COLLISION_PIG 11 space.add(body, shape) 12 self.body = body 13 self.shape = shape
PhyPig 类的初始化函数创建了一个小猪物体,参数有物体的位置(x,y), 可以将小猪作为一个圆形物体,所以参数有圆的半径(radius), 参数space就是我们上面创建的空间类。
pymunk 状态更新
step 函数的参数dt值就是上面设置的时间段值,表示这次调用 该空间经过了多少时间,pymunk 根据这个时间值更新空间中的所有物体的状态(比如速度,位置等)。按照pymunk 文档的说明,将dt值设小一点,每次调用多次会使得模拟更稳定和精确,所以这里每次调用5次step函数。
1 pymunk.Space.step(dt) 2 Update the space for the given time step.
- 检查小猪的状态,如果生命小于零或者y轴位置超出了范围,删除这个小猪。
- 更新小猪的位置
pygame 和 pymunk 中对于位置的值是不同的, y轴的坐标需要进行转换,具体看 to_pygame 函数,600是高度。pymunk 中 body.position的值是物体的中间位置,对应pygame 中 rect 的centerx 和 centery,所以需要转成[left, top]位置。
- pygame中,以左上角的位置为(0,0)
- pymunk中,以左下角的位置为(0,0)
1 def to_pygame(p): 2 """Convert position of pymunk to position of pygame""" 3 return int(p.x), int(-p.y+600) 4 5 def update(self, game_info, level, mouse_pressed): 6 pigs_to_remove = [] 7 8 #From pymunk doc:Performing multiple calls with a smaller dt 9 # creates a more stable and accurate simulation 10 #So make five updates per frame for better stability 11 for x in range(5): 12 13 ... 14 for pig in self.pigs: 15 pig.update(game_info) 16 if pig.phy.body.position.y < 0 or <= 0: 17 pigs_to_remove.append(pig) 18 poly = pig.phy.shape 19 p = to_pygame(poly.body.position) 20 x, y = p 21 w, h = pig.image.get_size() 22 # change to [left, top] position of pygame 23 x -= w * 0.5 24 y -= h * 0.5 25 angle_degree = math.degrees(poly.body.angle) 26 pig.update_position(x, y, angle_degree) 27 28 for pig in pigs_to_remove: 29, pig.phy.shape.body) 30 self.pigs.remove(pig) 31 level.update_score(c.PIG_SCORE) 32 ...
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python3.7 + pygame1.9 + pymunk 5.5.0
标签:space,Python,self,pymunk,pig,小鸟,collision,shape 来源: