private static bool GetBitsFromByte<T,U>(T input, byte count, out U output, byte start = 0) where T:struct where U:struct
if (input == default(T))
return false;
if( (start + count) > Marshal.SizeOf(input))
return false;
if(count > Marshal.SizeOf(output))
return false;
// I'd like to setup the correct output container based on the
// number of bits that are needed
if(count <= 8)
output = new byte();
else if (count <= 16)
output = new UInt16();
else if (count <= 32)
output = new UInt32();
else if (count <= 64)
output = new UInt64();
return false;
output = 0; // Init output
// Copy bits out in order
for (int i = start; i < count; i++)
output |= (input & (1 << i)); // This is not possible with generic types from my understanding
return true;
Uint32 data_in = 0xdeadbeef;
Uint16 data_out;
byte next_data_out;
if(GetBitsFromByte<Uint32,Uint16>(data_in, 10, out data_out, 0))
// data_out should now = 0x2EF
if(GetBitsFromByte<Uint32,byte>(data_in, 6, out next_data_out, data_out.Length))
// next_data_out should now = 0x2F
并根据需要编写方法来与其他数据类型进行相互转换.然后,您最多将需要一种从数字类型到数字类型的方法,而对于每种类型的组合则不需要一种. (C#中有8-ish integer types,因此最坏的情况是8 8 = 16,而不是8 * 8 = 64)
如果您不喜欢手动复制/粘贴的想法,并且在某些情况发生变化时对其进行更新,则可以使用T4 Templates为8位整数类型生成方法.
uint data_in = 0xdeadbeef;
ushort data_out;
byte next_data_out;
// pay attention to BitConverter.IsLittleEndian here!
// you might need to write your own conversion methods,
// or do a Reverse() or find a better library
var bits = new BitArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(data_in));
if (bits.TryConvertToUInt16(out data_out, 10))
Console.WriteLine(data_out.ToString("X")); // 2EF
if (bits.TryConvertToByte(out next_data_out, 6, 10))
Console.WriteLine(next_data_out.ToString("X")); // 2F
private static bool Validate(BitArray bits, int len, int start, int size)
return len < size * 8 && bits.Count > start + len;
public static bool TryConvertToUInt16(this BitArray bits, out ushort output, int len, int start = 0)
output = 0;
if (!Validate(bits, len, start, sizeof(ushort)))
return false;
for (int i = start; i < len + start; i++)
output |= (ushort)(bits[i] ? 1 << (i - start) : 0);
return true;
public static bool TryConvertToByte(this BitArray bits, out byte output, int len, int start = 0)
output = 0;
if (!Validate(bits, len, start, sizeof(byte)))
return false;
for (int i = start; i < len + start; i++)
output |= (byte)(bits[i] ? 1 << (i - start) : 0);
return true;
标签:bit-manipulation,generics,c 来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191030/1966356.html