websphere服务器有java 6和7但我需要java 8如何将java sdk添加到现有的websphere服务器
> Web sphere应用服务器java 1.6,64位和
> Web sphere应用服务器java 1.7,64位
但我需要处理已安装的java 1.8,但服务器jre不存在缺省java 1.7
我的问题是如何在Web领域添加或升级Java 1.8
WebSphere Application Server错误
WebSphere Application Server错误
The xxxxxx project is built with Java SDK 8, which is not
compatible with the server running at Java SDK 7. Try publishing the
application on a later version of WebSphere Application Server. Or
try increasing the JRE of the server, if you are using WebSphere
Application Server V8.5. The xxxx project is built with Java SDK
1.8, which is not compatible with the server running at Java SDK 7. Try publishing the application on a later version of WebSphere
Application Server. Or try increasing the JRE of the server, if you
are using WebSphere Application Server V8.5. The xxxxxx
project is built with Java SDK 1.8, which is not compatible with the
server running at Java SDK 7. Try publishing the application on a
later version of WebSphere Application Server. Or try increasing the
JRE of the server, if you are using WebSphere Application Server V8.5.
WebSphere 8仅受WebSphere Liberty支持.如果使用WebSphere Application Server完整配置文件,则仅支持Java 7和6.
标签:java,java-8,eclipse,websphere,websphere-8 来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190824/1709000.html