首页 > 编程语言> > Pythonic从这个文本文件中提取值的方法





values = lines[97].split()
self.irradiance_direct, self.irradiance_diffuse, self.irradiance_env = values




>如果没有,还有其他方法明智地做到这一点吗? (例如,某种很酷的文本文件解析库,我一无所知).

******************************* 6sV version 1.0B ******************************
*                                                                             *
*                       geometrical conditions identity                       *
*                       -------------------------------                       *
*                       user defined conditions                               *
*                                                                             *
*   month: 14 day :   1                                                       *
*   solar zenith angle:   10.00 deg  solar azimuthal angle:       20.00 deg   *
*   view zenith angle:    30.00 deg  view azimuthal angle:        40.00 deg   *
*   scattering angle:    159.14 deg  azimuthal angle difference:  20.00 deg   *
*                                                                             *
*                       atmospheric model description                         *
*                       -----------------------------                         *
*           atmospheric model identity :                                      *
*               midlatitude summer  (uh2o=2.93g/cm2,uo3=.319cm-atm)           *
*           aerosols type identity :                                          *
*               Maritime aerosol model                                        *
*           optical condition identity :                                      *
*               visibility :  8.49 km  opt. thick. 550 nm :  0.5000           *
*                                                                             *
*                       spectral condition                                    *
*                       ------------------                                    *
*            monochromatic calculation at wl 0.400 micron                     *
*                                                                             *
*                       Surface polarization parameters                       *
*                       ----------------------------------                    *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
* Surface Polarization Q,U,Rop,Chi    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000     0.00      *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*                       target type                                           *
*                       -----------                                           *
*           homogeneous ground                                                *
*             monochromatic reflectance  1.000                                *
*                                                                             *
*                       target elevation description                          *
*                       ----------------------------                          *
*           ground pressure  [mb] 1013.00                                     *
*           ground altitude  [km] 0.000                                       *
*                                                                             *
*                       plane simulation description                          *
*                       ----------------------------                          *
*           plane  pressure          [mb] 1013.00                             *
*           plane  altitude absolute [km]  0.000                              *
*                atmosphere under plane description:                          *
*                ozone content             0.000                              *
*                h2o   content             0.000                              *
*               aerosol opt. thick. 550nm  0.000                              *
*                                                                             *
*                        atmospheric correction activated                     *
*                        --------------------------------                     *
*                        BRDF coupling correction                             *
*           input apparent reflectance :  0.500                               *
*                                                                             *

*                                                                             *
*                         integrated values of  :                             *
*                         --------------------                                *
*                                                                             *
*       apparent reflectance  1.1287696  appar. rad.(w/m2/sr/mic)  588.646    *
*                   total gaseous transmittance  1.000                        *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*                         coupling aerosol -wv  :                             *
*                         --------------------                                *
*           wv above aerosol :   1.129     wv mixed with aerosol :   1.129    *
*                       wv under aerosol :   1.129                            *
*                                                                             *
*                         integrated values of  :                             *
*                         --------------------                                *
*                                                                             *
*       app. polarized refl.  0.0000    app. pol. rad. (w/m2/sr/mic)    0.000 *
*             direction of the plane of polarization  0.00                    *
*                   total polarization ratio     0.000                        *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*                         int. normalized  values  of  :                      *
*                         ---------------------------                         *
*                      % of irradiance at ground level                        *
*     % of direct  irr.    % of diffuse irr.    % of enviro. irr              *
*               0.351               0.354               0.295                 *
*                       reflectance at satellite level                        *
*     atm. intrin. ref.   background  ref.  pixel  reflectance                *
*               0.000               0.000               1.129                 *
*                                                                             *
*                         int. absolute values of                             *
*                         -----------------------                             *
*                      irr. at ground level (w/m2/mic)                        *
*     direct solar irr.    atm. diffuse irr.    environment  irr              *
*             648.957             655.412             544.918                 *
*                      rad at satel. level (w/m2/sr/mic)                      *
*     atm. intrin. rad.    background  rad.    pixel  radiance                *
*               0.000               0.000             588.646                 *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*                      sol. spect (in w/m2/mic)                               *
*                                1663.594                                     *
*                                                                             *

*                                                                             *
*                          integrated values of  :                            *
*                          --------------------                               *
*                                                                             *
*                             downward        upward          total           *
*      global gas. trans. :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000         *
*      water   "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000         *
*      ozone   "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000         *
*      co2     "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000         *
*      oxyg    "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000         *
*      no2     "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000         *
*      ch4     "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000         *
*      co      "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000         *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*      rayl.  sca. trans. :     0.84422        1.00000        0.84422         *
*      aeros. sca.   "    :     0.94572        1.00000        0.94572         *
*      total  sca.   "    :     0.79616        1.00000        0.79616         *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*                             rayleigh       aerosols         total           *
*                                                                             *
*      spherical albedo   :     0.23410        0.12354        0.29466         *
*      optical depth total:     0.36193        0.55006        0.91199         *
*      optical depth plane:     0.00000        0.00000        0.00000         *
*      reflectance I      :     0.00000        0.00000        0.00000         *
*      reflectance Q      :     0.00000        0.00000        0.00000         *
*      reflectance U      :     0.00000        0.00000        0.00000         *
*      polarized reflect. :     0.00000        0.00000        0.00000         *
*      degree of polar.   :         nan           0.00            nan         *
*      dir. plane polar.  :      -45.00         -45.00         -45.00         *
*      phase function I   :     1.38819        0.27621        0.71751         *
*      phase function Q   :    -0.09117       -0.00856       -0.04134         *
*      phase function U   :    -1.34383        0.02142       -0.52039         *
*      primary deg. of pol:    -0.06567       -0.03099       -0.05762         *
*      sing. scat. albedo :     1.00000        0.98774        0.99261         *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *

*                        atmospheric correction result                        *
*                        -----------------------------                        *
*       input apparent reflectance            :    0.500                      *
*       measured radiance [w/m2/sr/mic]       :  260.747                      *
*       atmospherically corrected reflectance                                 *
*       Lambertian case :      0.52995                                        *
*       BRDF       case :      0.52995                                        *
*       coefficients xa xb xc                 :  0.00241  0.00000  0.29466    *
*       y=xa*(measured radiance)-xb;  acr=y/(1.+xc*y)                         *



# will match in the order written here
tokens = ["num_ref_frames", "Max QP", "Min QP", "Avg QP", "I4x4",
          "I16x16", "SkipZero", "SkipMV", "16x16", "16x8", "8x16",
          "8x8", "8x4", "4x8", "4x4"]

special = ["Quarterpel MVs"]

# this dictionary (hash-table) contains the search string from tokens array
# as well as an array where the first element is the field to extract to
# create matrix array. e.g. 0 = 1st field, 1 = 2nd field, 3 = 3rd field etc.
dict = {tokens[0]:  [1], tokens[1]:  [1], tokens[2]:  [1], tokens[3]:  [1],
        tokens[4]:  [2], tokens[5]:  [2], tokens[6]:  [2], tokens[7]:  [2],
        tokens[8]:  [2], tokens[9]:  [2], tokens[10]: [2], tokens[11]: [2],
        tokens[12]: [2], tokens[13]: [2], tokens[14]: [2],}





./parser.py all_dec.txt


来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190530/1186934.html