c++响应式编程 rxcpp之cep样例解析
1 #include "rxcpp/rx.hpp" 2 // create alias' to simplify code 3 // these are owned by the user so that 4 // conflicts can be managed by the user. 5 //创建别名以简化代码 6 //这一步由用户处理 用户可以处理因此带来的冲突 7 namespace rx=rxcpp; 8 namespace rxsub=rxcpp::subjects; 9 namespace rxu=rxcpp::util; 10 11 #include <cctype> 12 #include <clocale> 13 14 // At this time, RxCpp will fail to compile if the contents 15 // of the std namespace are merged into the global namespace 16 // DO NOT USE: 'using namespace std;' 17 // 不要用'using namespace std;',反之,Rxcpp将编译失败 18 int main() 19 { 20 auto keys = rx::observable<>::create<int>( 21 [](rx::subscriber<int> dest){ 22 for (;;) {//被观察者循环检测用户输入字符 23 int key = std::cin.get(); 24 dest.on_next(key);//通知观察者处理字符 25 } 26 }). 27 publish();//发布订阅 28 29 auto a = keys. 30 filter([](int key){return std::tolower(key) == 'a';});//过滤器 过滤字符'a' 31 32 auto g = keys. 33 filter([](int key){return std::tolower(key) == 'g';});//过滤器 过滤字符'b' 34 35 a.merge(g).//过滤器合并 36 subscribe([](int key){//观察者订阅处理 37 std::cout << key << std::endl; 38 }); 39 40 // run the loop in create 41 keys.connect(); 42 43 return 0; 44 }
标签:std,rx,int,样例,namespace,c++,rxcpp,key 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/lvdongjie/p/16319950.html