首页 > 编程语言> > 【图像处理】图像直方图+滤波+小波变换+分割处理系统含Matlab源码



1 简介

基于matlab gui的图像处理的基本方法的整合,包括直方图、滤波、小波、水印、分割等等,参数自由可调

2 部分代码

function tabpanel(figname,tag,action)%TABPANEL  "TabPanel Constructor" offers the easiest way for creating tabpanels in MATLAB%  First start (NEW):%  >> tabpanel('filename.fig','tabpaneltag',[left bottom width height])%     'tabpaneltag' define the tag name of the tabpanel. The rectangle defined %     the size and location (in pixel) of the tabpanel within the parent %     figure window.%%  Alternative (OLD):%  1. Open the figure (where the tab panel needs to be integrated) in%     GUIDE and create a Text-Object which reserves the place of the future%     tabpanel.%  2. Specify and note the unique tag-name of the created text-object and the%     figure filename.%  3. Start "TabPanel Constructor" as follows:%        >> tabpanel('filename.fig','tabpaneltag')%%  Options:%     a. activate "TabPanel Constructor" to edit an existing tabpanel:%        >> tabpanel('filename.fig','tabpaneltag') %     b. remove tabpanel from GUI%        >> tabpanel('filename.fig','tabpaneltag','delete')%%  !!! IMPORTANT !!!%  1) The current version fixes the bug (since R2009a) which force the GUI to %  restart when the M-File does not contain the TabSelectionFcn.%  To fix the issue for already existing tabpanel please follow the steps:%     1. Open the tabpanel created with TPC 2.6 with the current TPC 2.6.3%     2. Add any new panel%     3. Remove currently created panel%     4. Close TPC%%  2) In case when the figure name has been changed you should just %     open the TPC and close it again.%%  3) While TPC is active, you can not use your figure as usual!%     You schould close TPC and restart your GUI application!%%% See also TABSELECTIONFCN.%​​%​​

3 仿真结果

4 参考文献

[1]杨宝会. 基于Matlab GUI的医学图像处理系统[D]. 暨南大学.




来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_59747472/article/details/123218478