基于RSA隐私求交(PSI)的python 实现
为了理解中间“盲化”和哈希的过程,所以没有用现成的RSA加解密方案 而是用gmpy2 库的加速模幂计算方法做了 加解密操作。
from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
import hashlib
import binascii
import gmpy2
import os
rand_bits = 128
def hash_bignumber(num,method='sha1'):
num: an integer
if method == 'sha1':
hash_obj = hashlib.sha1(str(num).encode('utf-8'))
digest_hex = hash_obj.hexdigest()
return int(digest_hex,16)
def gen_key():
key = RSA.generate(1024)
pk = (key.n,key.e)
sk = (key.n,key.d)
return pk,sk
def blind_msg_arr_use_pk(msg_arr, pk):
msg_hash_number_blind = []
rand_private_list = []
for item in msg_arr:
hash_num = hash_bignumber(item)
hash_num = hash_num % pk[0]
ra = int(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(rand_bits)),16)
cipher_ra = gmpy2.powmod(ra,pk[1],pk[0])
return msg_hash_number_blind, rand_private_list
def deblind_arr_from_client(hash_arr_blind,sk):
deblind_hash_arr = []
for item in hash_arr_blind:
de_blind_number = gmpy2.powmod(item,sk[1],sk[0])
return deblind_hash_arr
def enc_and_hash_serverlist(server_list,sk):
hash_server_list = []
for item in server_list:
hash_num = hash_bignumber(item)
c_hash_num = gmpy2.powmod(hash_num,sk[1],sk[0])
return hash_server_list
def hash_deblind_client_arr(deblind_hash_arr, rand_list, pk):
db_client = []
for item,ra in zip(deblind_hash_arr,rand_list):
ra_inv = gmpy2.invert(ra,pk[0]) # ra*ra_inv == 1 mod n
db_client.append(hash_bignumber((item * ra_inv) % pk[0]))
return db_client
def get_common_elements_idx(db_client,db_server):
# search out the common elements in O(n^2) complexity
# return the common elements index in local data list
common_set_index = []
for idx in range(len(db_client)):
rec_a = db_client[idx]
for rec_b in db_server:
if rec_a == rec_b:
return common_set_index
# Server side:
# RSA key generation and send pk to client
pk,sk = gen_key()
# Client side blind the local array and send to server
msg_arr_client = [12,3,4,8,10,23]
blind_arr, rlist = blind_msg_arr_use_pk(msg_arr_client,pk)
# Server side
# receive the blind arr from client and deblind them with secret key
received_blind_arr = blind_arr.copy()
deblind_hash_arr = deblind_arr_from_client(received_blind_arr,sk)
server_list = [12,3,4,5,1,32,45] #12,3,4,8,10,23
# encrypt and hash the server list
hashed_server_list = enc_and_hash_serverlist(server_list,sk)
# send the deblind array and hashed list to client
# Client side
# Receive the deblind array and hashed server list
received_deblind_hash_arr = deblind_hash_arr.copy()
db_server = hashed_server_list.copy()
# hash the dblind array
db_client = hash_deblind_client_arr(received_deblind_hash_arr,rlist,pk)
common_index_local_list = get_common_elements_idx(db_client,db_server)
print('The hash of db Client:', db_client)
print('The hash of db Server:', db_server)
for idx, true_id in zip(common_index_local_list,[0,1,2]):
assert idx == true_id
标签:求交,arr,PSI,hash,python,db,list,server,client 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/chenxin0215/article/details/120525603