第一遍怒刷汉化版LEETCODE leetcode,PYTHON题答案,应用的是python2
class Solution(object): def removeDuplicates(self, nums): """ :type nums: List[int] :rtype: int """ for i in range(len(nums)): for j in range(i+1,len(nums)): if nums[i] == nums[i+1]: del nums[i+1] else: break return len(nums)
买卖股票的最佳时机 II
class Solution(object): def maxProfit(self, prices): """ :type prices: List[int] :rtype: int """ zong = 0 for i in range(len(prices)-1): if prices[i+1]>prices[i]: zong+= (prices[i+1]-prices[i]) return zong
给定一个数组,将数组中的元素向右移动 k 个位置,其中 k 是非负数。
class Solution(object): def rotate(self, nums, k): """ :type nums: List[int] :type k: int :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead. """ k = k%len(nums) nums[:] = nums[-k:]+nums[:-k]
如果任何值在数组中出现至少两次,函数返回 true。如果数组中每个元素都不相同,则返回 false。
class Solution(object): def containsDuplicate(self, nums): """ :type nums: List[int] :rtype: bool """ if len(set(nums)) == len(nums): return False else: return True
class Solution(object): def singleNumber(self, nums): """ :type nums: List[int] :rtype: int """ nums.sort() for i in range(len(nums)): if len(nums) == 1: return nums[0] if nums[0] == nums[1]: del nums[0] del nums[0] else: return nums[0]
class Solution(object): def plusOne(self, digits): """ :type digits: List[int] :rtype: List[int] """ num = 1 for i in range(len(digits)): num+=int(digits[i])*(10**(len(digits)-i-1)) return [int(i) for i in list(str(num))]
给定一个数组 nums,编写一个函数将所有 0 移动到数组的末尾,同时保持非零元素的相对顺序
class Solution(object): def moveZeroes(self, nums): """ :type nums: List[int] :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead. """ j=0 for i in xrange(len(nums)): if nums[j] == 0: nums.append(nums.pop(j)) else: j+=1
class Solution(object): def twoSum(self, nums, target): """ :type nums: List[int] :type target: int :rtype: List[int] """ for i in xrange(len(nums)): for j in xrange(i+1,len(nums)): if nums[i]+nums[j] == target: return [i,j]
判断一个 9x9 的数独是否有效。只需要根据以下规则,验证已经填入的数字是否有效即可。
class Solution(object): def isValidSudoku(self, board): """ :type board: List[List[str]] :rtype: bool """ for i in xrange(9): hang = board[i] lie = [] for j in range(9): lie.append(board[j][i]) for m in hang: if hang.count(m)>1 and m!='.': return False for n in lie: if lie.count(n)>1 and n!='.': return False for j in xrange(9): if i%3==0 and j%3==0: small = [] for p in range(i,i+3): for q in range(j,j+3): if board[p][q] != '.': small.append(board[p][q]) if len(small) != len(list(set(small))): print i,j,p,q return False return True
给定一个 n × n 的二维矩阵表示一个图像。
将图像顺时针旋转 90 度。
class Solution(object): def rotate(self, matrix): """ :type matrix: List[List[int]] :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify matrix in-place instead. """ n = len(matrix) for i in range(n/2): for j in range(i,n-i-1): tmp = matrix[i][j] print tmp matrix[i][j]=matrix[n-j-1][i] matrix[j][n-i-1],tmp = tmp,matrix[j][n-i-1] matrix[n-i-1][n-j-1],tmp = tmp,matrix[n-i-1][n-j-1] matrix[n-j-1][i]=tmp
class Solution(object): def reverseString(self, s): """ :type s: str :rtype: str """ return str(s)[::-1]
class Solution(object): def reverse(self, x): """ :type x: int :rtype: int """ if str(x)[0] == '-': num = int('-'+str(x)[1:][::-1]) else : num = int(str(x)[::-1]) if num>2**31-1 or num<-2**31: return 0 else: return num
给定一个字符串,找到它的第一个不重复的字符,并返回它的索引。如果不存在,则返回 -1。
class Solution(object): def firstUniqChar(self, s): """ :type s: str :rtype: int """ for i in range(len(s)): if s[i] not in s[i+1:] and s[i] not in s[:i]: return i return -1
class Solution(object): def isAnagram(self, s, t): """ :type s: str :type t: str :rtype: bool """ if len(s) != len(t): return False while s: tmp = s[0] s=s.replace(tmp,'') t=t.replace(tmp,'') if len(s)!=len(t): return False return True
class Solution(object): def isPalindrome(self, s): """ :type s: str :rtype: bool """ s = filter(str.isalnum, str(s)).lower() if s == s[::-1]: return True else: return False
class Solution(object): def countAndSay(self, n): """ :type n: int :rtype: str """ old = '1' for i in range(n-1): num = 1 value = '' next = '' while 1: try: if old[0]==old[1]: num += 1 value = old[0] else: if value!='': next+= str(num)+str(value) else: next+= str(num)+str(old[0]) num = 1 value = '' old=old[1:] except IndexError,e: next += str(num)+str(old[0]) old = next break return old
如果不存在公共前缀,返回空字符串 “”。
class Solution(object): def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs): """ :type strs: List[str] :rtype: str """ rstr = '' if strs == []: return rstr old = strs[0] for i in range(len(old)): #i为第一个元素的遍历单个字符 for j in range(len(strs)): try: if old[i] == strs[j][i]: pass else: return rstr except: return rstr else: rstr += old[i] return rstr
# Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode(object): # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.next = None class Solution(object): def deleteNode(self, node): """ :type node: ListNode :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify node in-place instead. """ node.val = node.next.val node.next = node.next.next
给定一个链表,删除链表的倒数第 n 个节点,并且返回链表的头结点。
# Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode(object): # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.next = None class Solution(object): def removeNthFromEnd(self, head, n): """ :type head: ListNode :type n: int :rtype: ListNode """ dummy = ListNode(-1) dummy.next = head p = dummy c = head c2 = head num = 0 while c2 is not None: num+=1 c2=c2.next for i in range(num-n+1): if c.next is not None: p=p.next c=c.next else: p.next = None return dummy.next p.val = c.val p.next=c.next return dummy.next
class Solution(object): def reverseList(self, head): """ :type head: ListNode :rtype: ListNode """ p = head q = None while p: c = p.next p.next = q q = p p = c return q
# Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode(object): # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.next = None class Solution(object): def mergeTwoLists(self, l1, l2): """ :type l1: ListNode :type l2: ListNode :rtype: ListNode """ if l1==None and l2==None: return None if l1==None: return l2 if l2==None: return l1 if l1.val<l2.val: l1.next = self.mergeTwoLists(l1.next,l2) return l1 if l2.val<l1.val: l2.next = self.mergeTwoLists(l1,l2.next) return l2 elif l1.val==l2.val: l1.next = self.mergeTwoLists(l1.next,l2) return l1
# Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode(object): # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.next = None class Solution(object): def isPalindrome(self, head): """ :type head: ListNode :rtype: bool """ list1 = [] list2 = [] if head == None: return True while head: list1.append(head.val) list2.append(head.val) head = head.next list1.reverse() if list1 == list2: return True else: return False
class Solution(object): def hasCycle(self, head): """ :type head: ListNode :rtype: bool """ if head == None: return False try: p1 =head p2 = head.next except: return False while p1: if p1 == p2: return True else: try: p1 =p1.next p2 = p2.next p2 = p2 .next except: return False return False
class Solution(object): def maxDepth(self, root): """ :type root: TreeNode :rtype: int """ if root == None: return 0 else: return 1+max(self.maxDepth(root.left),self.maxDepth(root.right))
标签:第一遍,怒刷,return,nums,PYTHON,self,next,type,def 来源: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15282986/2952358